Salesbook available to Windows 10

Salesbook constitutes a new generation of sales tools, moving beyond the classical presentation in Power Point and traditional CRM system.

Salesbook is the perfect presentation and sales tool for the mobile sales team, whose task is to reach the customer, present the product and provide for its configuration.
In every industry requiring the presentation of a product or service in a direct dialogue with the customer, the tablet with the Salesbook application improves comfort and efficiency of the Seller.

By using the Salesbook application, the Seller presents the customer with the company and the product or service on the tablet in an attractive way, plans further sales stages with him and sends a summary of a presentation to the e-mail address of the customer even during the meeting.

The solution consists of the application on the tablet and the administrative panel available through the Web, used for management of the content of the application, users, tablets and their safety. The system also provides for monitoring of the work of the Sellers and communication with the sales team using the application.


Solution benefits:

  • Benefits for the management
    • standardization of the sales procedure
    • communication with the team
    • business analytics of the sales and customer data gathered
    • monitoring of the work of the sellers in real time
    • history record of the conversation with the customer in CRM
  • Benefits for the mobile seller
    • quick mastering of the sales process
    • quick calculation during the meeting with the customer
    • sales materials always available and current
    • joint planning of further steps with the customer
    • time savings through automation of bidding and reporting
  • Benefits for the customer
    • attractive and clear form of presentation
    • intuitive simulation of the customer's needs
    • immediate delivery of the meeting summary
    • possibility to send an offer during the meeting